
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Advice and the Mummy Competition

We all do it, even if it's subconscious. Comparing our babies and our experiences. It starts during pregnancy; 'I have the worst morning sickness.' 'Oh, I had none at all, didn't even feel sick!'

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, we are just proud mummies and want everyone to know it. But it can lead to feeling like you've failed. Especially if your baby is later at doing something that someone else's is. I have found this with sleeping; specifically sleeping through the night. Many mums are all too quick to shout from the rooftops about their 3 week old sleeping through the night. But we don't hear about the majority of us who are the 'norm' and have a baby that wakes, a lot, for feeds!

All babies are different, we shouldn't compare. But I think this is particularly hard for the first time mum. Especially today with the internet, facebook groups, forums etc. We have too much access to too much information, a lot of which is conflicting, then the mummy competition on top of that can leave you totally overwhelmed. You can feel out of your depth and start second guessing things you'd got the hang of! 

Advice can turn into competitive boasting and not be helpful at all. We end up asking mums how their baby is doing just to say how amazing our own is! When it comes to competitiveness masquerading as advice we should take it with a pinch of salt. 

Really we should be going with our instincts. We know our babies like no one else. Our own mums would have had just one book and their mums to guide them through and we all turned out ok. What works for one mum and baby won't work for another. I want to enjoy my baby and not stress if he hasn't had a nap in his cot for a week, I'm enjoying a cuddle and it isn't going to impact on his future... Look at the bigger picture. I'm trying to stick to that and go with the flow as much as possible. 

That being said I think competitive mum syndrome is natural. It has always and will always be there, but the key is too not let it get to you and try not to do it too much yourself! 

What are your experiences of advice and competition?

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Tesco Baby Clothes Haul

Tesco aren't doing particularly well on the stock market at the moment; but one place I think they are doing really well is baby boy's clothing. I have bought the majority of Harry's 0-3 month clothes from Tesco and as he is about to go into the next size range (he is pretty much 14lb now!) I had to do some shopping! I have found Tesco to have a great range of clothes for Harry's age/size compared with other shops.

I think the clothes are cute, funky and super cool for the little man. They wash really well and are great quality, especially at such a reasonable price. None of the below items were more than £7, and that was for a 2 pack of joggers or a 3 pack of t-shirts!

What shops are you loving for baby clothes?

Saturday, 20 September 2014

The First Few Weeks of Motherhood

In the first few weeks of new mummyhood I found myself wondering why labour puts women off having more babies. I know it's not a great experience for everyone; but for me it was nowhere near as bad as I expected. Labour has an end, a light at the end of the tunnel. That light being a beautiful baby that you have made. For me the first few weeks is what would put me off having more babies...

You're in a weird bubble and barely know what day it is. Harry slept in between nappy changes and feeding, but it was a constant cycle. Then the baby blues hit and I felt like I didn't know what I was doing. I felt like I should be getting dinners ready and keeping the house tidy as well as looking after Harry. Then feeling guilty because I wanted to tidy the house and not stare at Harry all day. But that was just pressure I put on myself. Paul just wanted me to concentrate on Harry. He was amazing, so supportive and understanding. I felt so connected to Paul after giving birth and still now. I think we are stronger; we now have this physical being that totally connects and bonds us. Having our families close really helped. My mum was great, coming over when Paul went back to work just so I didn't go stir crazy.

You're meant to sleep when your baby does; that just doesn't happen! I still wanted to maintain some level of personal hygiene; so you need time to shower! Then people want to visit you and your baby; normally when the baby is asleep so another missed opportunity. You also have to find time to eat. (My batch cooking definitely paid off.)

Then there's the sleepless nights. Trying to stay awake to feed is a skill! And then your baby decides it doesn't want to go back to sleep and cries for 2 hours! Not knowing what's wrong and the sound of your new born baby's cry that stabs you right in the heart. In the first few weeks it made me cry just to hear it. I wanted to make everything ok. During the day I wasn't too tired, it was the broken sleep that affected me the most.

A baby in the early days and weeks is like a vending machine. You constantly put the money in to get nothing out. It's a thankless task. But you do all your baby needs, no matter how tired, upset or frustrated you are because you already love this little being more than life itself. You wonder how you can feel so cross sometimes then hate yourself for feeling like it. But it's all normal.

Then, one day, a smile; and not a windy one! It just makes everything worth it!

Now 10 weeks later, I'm still tired, but can cope with it. The house ticks over but not as tidy as before Harry, but who cares? I now know Harry so much better and know what he wants and needs. No one said it would be easy, but it has got easier.  Harry is giving back to us. He is now changing and developing everyday and it's amazing to watch and know that's down to our nurturing of him. 

The next task will be to try and get Harry into a bit of a routine! But more importantly it's now time to just enjoy him. I can't believe how much he has grown and changed in just 10 weeks.

Wish us luck!

Harry's first smile
Harry at 8 weeks

Friday, 15 August 2014

My Birth Story: The Undiagnosed Breech

Today my beautiful baby boy is 5 weeks old! I can't believe it's going so quickly, he has grown so much already. Motherhood has so far been how I expected and totally not what I expected at the same time; but I'll save that for another blog! 

Today I am sharing my birth story with you, it's taken 5 weeks to find the time to do this but here it is.

I had a textbook pregnancy; didn't suffer with morning sickness, felt great most of the time and loved being pregnant. So I suppose I was due a not so textbook labour.

Thursday 10 July 2014.

I woke up with what I thought was really bad trapped wind! I thought it was one of the signs my body was getting ready for labour to start in a few day's time.

Friday 11 July 2014.

Paul arrived home from work to find me in the bathroom, asking him to help me! I wasn't sure if it was wind or labour, either way it hurt and not much was happening!

12:15 - 2:25am
Paul went to bed, if it was labour we assumed it would be a while so he'd better get some sleep after an 8 hour shift. I kept going from sitting on the loo, to trying to go back to bed, to walking around the bedroom, to leaning over the bed or bathroom sink! I didn't know what to do with myself.
In a few of my visits to the loo I had a bowl movement, again I just assumed it was one of the signs my body was getting ready for labour and why I was in so much pain.

Finally something happened, I felt/heard a pop then there was a big gush of water, like a water balloon popping (luckily I was on the loo, again!). My waters had broken. This WAS labour.

I started timing, what I now knew, were contractions. Paul was telling me to call the birth centre and let them know my waters had broken. With my natal hypnotherapy I didn't want to go too early. But I was uncomfortable and in pain.

The contractions were about 1 and half minutes apart, lasting 20-30 seconds. After timing for about 5 mins I called the birth centre. The midwife guided me through, deep breathing. I needed to go in to be checked over as my waters had broken.


We grabbed the bags, in which I'd put the last minute bits on Thursday. Maybe I knew something was happening earlier in the day. I got dressed and off we went.

We arrived at the birth centre. The midwife met us and took us into a birth room to check me over. My blood pressure was good, then the examination. That was easier said than done. Between contractions I somehow managed to lay on the couch; but still not long enough for a proper examination. I moved to a position leaning over the birth pool where I felt I needed to be sick; so yet another trip to the bathroom!

I started using the gas and air so the midwife can do a proper examination. The baby was breech. An ambulance was called to take me to hospital. At this point I was leaning over the emptying birth pool :( with Paul holding my hand and helping me through my contractions and giving me water. All I could think was I don't want to go to hospital, I want the baby here, I don't want to be in an ambulance, I don't want to lay on a bed and I knew the baby was coming.

The midwife had a visual check (using a torch!). The midwife made the decision, I wouldn't be going to hospital, I wouldn't make it, the baby wanted to come and it would be more dangerous to have the baby in the ambulance than the birth centre. The midwives started to get prepared.

Soon after came an overwhelming urge to push, the baby was on its way. The urge took over the feeling of pain and was primal. More midwives came in to help. The baby's heartbeat needed to be checked…Nothing. A heart stopping moment for Paul and I. But then we heard it, baby was just in a position that made it hard to find, it was normal.

Time to start pushing. I did the initial pushing still in a standing position, not wanting to lay down, knowing it would make my pelvis smaller and pushing harder. Initially I was grunting through the contractions but was told by the midwife to use that energy for a bigger push. It was working, the baby was nearly here. For breech delivery laying down is the best position to be in. This was all explained to me; even though I didn't want to be laying down I knew it was best for me and the baby. So I moved to the couch with my bum on the edge ready for delivery.

A few pushes later and the bottom was out, a couple more then the legs and torso. I was nearly there, ready to meet our baby, I was still using the gas and air and had Paul holding my hand encouraging me the whole time. The contractions subsided a little with the head still not delivered so I had to have a small episiotomy. The baby was here. But no crying, Paul went to the midwives to check all was ok…Then there was the cry.

4:56am Harry was born weighing 7lb 2oz

It wasn't quite the labour and delivery I was expecting, no time to use natal hypnotherapy, but I have no doubt that helped me stay calm, focused and take the fact Harry was breech in my stride. I listened to my body. Undiagnosed breeches are rare, it's even rarer to have a midwife delivery, but as a team we did it and I wouldn't change it. The midwives were amazing; for most it was their first breech delivery! After 5 hours of labour our beautiful baby boy was here. Now to start the next chapter. 


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

REN Clarimatte Skincare Review

I have now been using the REN Calrimatte T-Zone Control Cleansing Gel and Clarifying Toner for about a month so thought I would do a review on how I think it's working for me. 

I have combination skin and suffer with the odd breakout. I have had quite a spotty chin throughout pregnancy. My previous skincare, Ganier Pure products, were working fine, but I felt like I needed a change. Reading up on what the REN Clarimatte product range could do for me I thought I'd give them a go (although more expensive than my usual products). REN use 100% plant and mineral ingredients, no synthetic skin un-friendly ones. This is another reason I wanted to try it.

T-Zone Control Cleansing Gel
This is the first cleanser/face wash I have used that you put onto a dry face. This was a bit alien at first, but it really feels like it's getting into your skin and cleaning it, before you rinse it off. The bottle has a pump to 'release' the gel onto your hands; this is great, one pump is enough for each wash and so far I have only used about 2cm of product. I think it will last a good 4-5 months. The product feels like a really light gel when it comes out, you then lather it a little in your hands before applying to your face. It is also really light and has a great lavender smell.

Clarifying Toner
As I am so used to using a toner I wanted to still use a range that had one, so the Clarimatte products were perfect. This toner gets rid of any left over dirt on the face/in the pores that the gel has not been able to remove. It is not oily, or greasy and just feels really refreshing when you put it on. As with the gel it has the lovely lavender smell. The toner is also meant to help with complextion. I think my complexion is a little brighter, but at this time of year I get quite a freckly face (which can make me look grubby!), this doesn't help with my complexion!

In conclusion I am not really sure if the products have done anything more for me than the Garnier products I was using before but my skin feels clean, fresh and seems to not get oily over the course of the day. My main problem when I started using this product (as you'll see from the photos), was that I already had quite a few breakouts on my chin. I have to make a confession and say that I am not the best at leaving spots alone and I therefore delay the healing of my skin. So possibly not the best time to start testing a new product! Once I finally left the spots alone they seemed to clear up quite quickly and I haven't had any new ones breakout since. However, my chin does still look a little pink, I guess very slight scarring. But, I must say, not until I compared the photos did I realise how much better my skin looks!

Below are some pictures of the before and after (WARNING -  I am totally bare-faced and hair tied back to give as best a view of how the product has worked and I have not done any touching up. Proceed with caution!!)

Before                                                                        4 Weeks Later

I have also now bought the Invisible Pores Detox Mask. I love a good face mask and my skin always seems better afterwards. I have only used this once so far but my skin did feel refreshed afterwards. I am to use this on a weekly/two weekly basis.

What skincare products do you use? Do they work?

Sunday, 6 July 2014

37/38 Weeks - First Week of Maternity Leave

T-Shirt - H&M
Maternity Chinos - H&M
I am not  a 'sit down and take it easy' kind of person. If there is a job that needs doing I do the job first, then sit down and chill, otherwise I just can't relax! I have two and half weeks maternity leave until my due date, I planned for this first week to be a doing week; housework, last minute sorting and catching up with people. Then the second week will be more chilled. 

I have had a lovely week and the weather has been great too, although Thursday and Friday my hayfever didn't agree! I spent Monday doing a load of batch cooking for freezing, as recommended by apps, websites and other blogs. I did pretty well,will keep us going for a while; lasagne, chicken and green bean curry and fish pie. This was followed by a load of housework!

Tuesday I had my last osteopath appointment before the baby is due. I go every 6-8 weeks anyway (I have a femural nail and also get slight back pain) to keep me moving and ticking over. I really would recommend a visit if you suffer with back pain or aches and pains. I am also going to take the baby when it is a few weeks old for some cranial osteopathy

Wednesday I met up with my cousin who is 20 weeks pregnant for lunch. She lives near Bluewater so I popped there first, I needed just a couple more maternity bits of clothing. I know I don't have long to go, but my jeans are now just too tight! Luckily my fave shop, H&M, had a sale on and I got some maternity chinos for £10 (see above) and a maxi dress, not maternity, for £7. I will still be able to wear a few of the maternity bits once baby is here and other bits that are non maternity should fit too. In the evening I got my hair cut, just wanted a trim to make it a bit more manageable plus I don't like my hair once it's longer than shoulder length!

Thursday I met a work friend and her two boys. She goes back to work from maternity leave next week, so was great to have a catch up. We went to Leeds Castle and had a wander through the grounds and had a pic nic. Then took her lovely boys to the play area. It's been quite breezy here so out and about the heat wasn't too bad for me. My hayfever also stayed at bay until the evening, then made me feel crap. I literally have to sit with tissues up my nose to stop the constant blowing and wear sunglasses to stop my eyes watering. Very glamorous! 

Friday I spent the day at home, doing bits of housework and again with tissues up my nose! I've also now started listening to my natal hypnotherapy CDs daily. 

And after all of that, still no sign of baby! Here's to a more chilled week next week.

Have a good week, Amy xx

Monday, 30 June 2014

Week 36/37 - Last Week at Work

Cardigan - H&M
Top - H&M

Last week was my last at work. It was pretty busy! I think it was a combination of the time of year and the fact there were jobs that needed doing before I left. I nearly had a melt down on Thursday, didn't know whether to get mad or have a cry. So I took myself off to calm down and felt much better! I was hoping the stress wouldn't bring on an early labour, it didn't :)

Friday was my last day, a lovely sunny day. It felt like the last day of term before the Summer holidays. My friends treated me to a yummy pic-nic lunch and some lovely presents for Baby Bond; a door bouncer and cot mobile. Baby also got a little bear comforter and a sleep suit and I got a little box of chocolates from some students and a Sanctuary bath set.

I will miss everyone, but I know I will see them often. Any excuse for coffee and a catch up and I'm sure I'll be there!

Mine and Baby's lovely leaving gifts
On Tuesday I had a midwife appointment. All is still good; head down, but not yet engaged and heart beat strong. Although I think Thursday night baby may have shifted a bit and moved back up a little as felt a bit uncomfortable, but seems OK today! I am feeling generally a little more uncomfortable as the baby has less and less room to move. But I think I have 'got away' with things pretty easy (so far; famous last words...)

I now have 2 and half weeks until my due date - let the nesting begin!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Amy xx

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Week 35/36 - Sleep!

Dress - Primark
This week I turned 36 weeks pregnant, just a few days until I can give birth at the birth centre. So baby just needs to stay put a few more days! I also only have one week left at work now. I can't believe how quickly it has all gone the past few weeks.

Starting to get a bit more uncomfortable now. The bump doesn't seem to grow, but I can definitely feel the baby getting bigger as the bump is feeling a lot tighter. I am pretty good at work during the day. Just waddling down the corridors slower, sitting when I need to and getting others to bend for me if I need to pick things up!

In the afternoons I am feeling a little tired, but by the time I'm home I feel pretty good again and at 10pm-ish I'm not really feeling tired, until the end of the week. It's the evenings when I start to feel more uncomfortable. The bump feels pretty heavy and tight. It feels like my skin is stretching and needs moisture, so I whack on some moisturiser and it feels a little better. The baby is still trying to move quite a bit but now it has less room to move I can feel each movement and sometimes when you get a foot in the side, or bum under the ribs it can be uncomfortable, that only lasts a few moments. I am still fascinated watching my belly move!

Most things I am reading about this stage of pregnancy say how you should be getting as much sleep as possible. I am not finding this particularly easy. As I said above, I feel a little tired at work in the afternoons, but I can't just have a nap! This may change once I'm on maternity leave but I am not a 'nap lover', I tend to feel worse afterwards, we will see how that one goes! 

Once I am home I no longer feel tired and there are things to do; dinner to be made, housework to be done and showers to be taken. Don't get me wrong, Paul and I share most jobs as we are both at work during the day, so neither of us want to be doing all the jobs. But I just can't sit still when things need to be done. Having said that, I am doing things slower and resting when I need to. But all the talk about resting and sleeping just seems a waste of time. I'd rather stay as active as possible; I think that's why I am still feeling good and have good energy levels.

When it gets to bed time I am not particularly tired, so have maybe been staying up 'later than I should'. Once in bed though I drop off quickly, only waking to go to the loo about 2-3 times a night!

I know once the baby is here I will need to try and nap when the baby does and I will probably be begging for sleep, but my thoughts are; I can't stock up on it now for when I need it so, for now, I will continue to go with the flow and sleep when it feels right to do so. Even if I went to bed early, I wouldn't sleep anyway so what's the point!!

Over the next few months we have few weddings/receptions to go to. One before the baby, this weekend, 1 when I don't know if I'll have had the baby and 2 quite soon after baby is born in August.

This presented me with a fashion dilemma; what to wear?! I didn't want to buy a 'posh' maternity dress as the likelihood would be I'd only need it once so the hunt for a suitable outfit began. I thought maxi dress was probably the way to go so concentrated my shopping in that area. After visiting a few shops I found a lovely maxi in Forever 21. It has an 'elasticated' waist with a tie belt to cover this up and is an olive green colour. Not normally a colour I'd go for, but thought a change would be good. 

With this dress I can wear it again after the baby is here, so may be a good outfit for some of the other weddings. With the other weddings I think I will just have to see what size I am at the time and what I feel most comfortable in. I have a few maxi skirts and dresses that I can wear.

The key will be the accessorising! What did you wear to special occasions when you were pregnant?

Dress - Forever 21
Necklace and Earrings - H&M
Bag - New Look
Shoes - H&M

Have a good week, thanks for reading.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Week 34/35 - Friday the 13th!!!

Maternity Top - H&M

The end of this week saw Friday the 13th! I was a little worried that, even though 5 weeks early, Baby Bond may have decided to make an appearance. Not because of any traditional Friday 13th superstitions, but, for Paul and I it is a lucky day. A few of our milestones have happened on this date, so I wasn't putting it passed our baby not to turn up. This feeling was heightened by the fact that Thursday afternoon I had some persistent 'stitches' and twinges at the bottom of the bump. Luckily all passed without Baby Bond making an appearance. I can put the twinges down to being at work, on one of the hottest days of the year, and just needing to take it easier. Possibly Braxton Hicks? I've had twinges and stitches on the days since, normally around a similar time in the afternoon.

Overall this week has been quite tiring. Monday started off with me feeling stressed about work; just wanting to make sure all loose ends are tied and I get get my hand-over done. I don't want to be leaving earlier than expected without things being left in a good position. But I need to remind myself that if that happens, there isn't much I can do about it and I just need to do the best I can, my priorities now need to shift. Only two weeks to go.

On Tuesday I had a midwife appointment. Everything is going well and baby's head is currently down; so it's a bum I keep getting shoved under my ribs! The baby could change position but with 5 weeks to go that's fine, it still has time to move back, that is probably unlikely to happen.

I am now feeling a lot more connected to the baby and really feeling the bond growing. I guess a new batch of hormones has been released to prepare me for the imminent arrival! It's wriggling lots still, although sometimes uncomfortably so, but I am loving that. Now getting really excited to meet it, see what it looks like and find out what it is!

Yesterday my wonderful friends threw me a lovely afternoon tea baby shower, which was held at my mum's house. We had a few games; pin the dummy on the baby, baby bingo and guess the baby food flavour (which were all quite gross!) I didn't really want presents as I wanted the shower to be more of a get together before the baby arrives. But the girls got me a sterilising kit and my mum and sister got a cute owl piggy bank and owl cushion for the baby's room, Baby Bon'd cousin Emelia got some lovely little books. There was also lots of yummy cake!

Thanks for reading, hope you all have a lovely week.

Amy x

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Week 33/34: What's in My Hospital Bags?

I can't quite believe my due date is now only 6 weeks away, and only 3 weeks left at work! This week has been a bit quiet on the baby front. Just feeling heavy and more worn out. Being back at work has tired me out, but it's the weekend and I survived! I just can't get in the habit of getting more sleep yet, I know that needs to change so I can stock up!

Yesterday I had my risk assessment at the birth centre. As the centre is midwife led they only take women who have had no complications in pregnancy and are considered low risk. It's basically a look through my notes and a couple of swabs to see if I have MRSA! Sounds worse than it is, literally a couple of cotton buds up the nose! I 'passed' the risk assessment and so can go to the birth centre, but only if I go into labour when I am full term; between 37 and 42 weeks.

As this week has been rather quiet I thought it was the perfect opportunity to share with you what I have packed in my hospital bags...

I think I was kidding myself with the thought of only needing to pack a few essentials for myself and baby for when the time comes to head off to hospital! I feel like I've had to pack for a weekend away, or short break! Not only have I got a bag for me and a bag for baby, but Paul also has a bag (as dads can stay at the birth centre) and a 'spares' bag for the car. Along with car seat, pillows, food etc!

I seem to have done this early, but as I had a week off for half term it seemed a good opportunity to get organised. Most of the lists of what to pack that I found online, in magazines and leaflets from the birth centre had pretty much the same thing on them. Below is what I personally have and will be packing. What have you got in your bags?

Have a great week 

Amy xx

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Week 32/33 - Feeling Heavy/Time for a Skincare Change

Top - 'Old' H&M
Maternity Shorts - H&M 

I think this week must be another transitional phase for me and baby. I am feeling more worn out doing, not so strenuous, tasks and the bump is feeling much heavier now. Bending down just to pick something up, or to put socks/shoes on is a bit of a mission; so I am getting help where I can. Paul is doing a great job as my sock putter-onner! Sleep is also starting to get uncomfortable. I haven't used a cushion under the bump regularly, but this week it has been a much more comfortable way to sleep and I feel like I'm sleeping better.

Night time trips to the loo have also increased; even though, for me, these trips never stopped I have definitely noticed an increase. Even in day-time trips. The worst being when you feel you absolutely must go that second, only to find out the baby is just sitting on your bladder and you don't really need to go at all!

That being said, I am still trying to remain as active as possible as I think I'd feel worse if I was resting all the time. I have rested and chilled quite a bit this week, with it being half term. But I've also met up with friends and family. I need to keep my energy levels up to feel good for my last 4 weeks at work, whilst taking it steady. Then, once I am on maternity leave, I can slow down a bit more.

I had the whooping cough jab this week, which I wasn't looking forward to (does anyone look forward to jabs?!). I am fine with jabs and just think of something else whilst it's happening; I was more concerned about what came after. I had heard that it was a bad one and made your arm feel dead for the rest of the day. That was not the case for me; my arm was a little sore and tender, but nothing you would not expect.

I've been doing a bit of nesting this week, whilst I've had the chance. Tidying the house and finding new homes for things. I also decided it was a good time to pack my hospital bag. I've been putting bits together for a while now that I know I'll need, from lists found in magazines/the internet, but I've now bagged it and done a list of what I still need to pack! I plan to do a blog in the next few weeks on what I have in my bag.

All the sorting made me want to stock up on toiletries and make-up. I know I probably won't get out to do a 'proper' shop for a few weeks after Baby Bond is born, so I took the opportunity to do a big order. I am very excited for this parcel to arrive! It's just my usual bits and pieces, but I love getting parcels, who doesn't?! I have decided to try a new eye cream though. I normally go for the Boots own brand Vitamin E cream, which seems to do the job I want it to. However, I do feel like my dark circles are getting a little darker (and will be even darker in a few weeks!) so I've decided to give the Boots Botanics Radiant Youth Hydrating Eye Cream a go. On offer at £5.99 

I also decided I want to try some new skincare products. I have had the same routine and products for about 11 years and thought my skin could do with a change, as it itself has no doubt changed in that time. I have been using Garnier's Pure A/Active products; the exfoliating wash, toner and shine control moisturiser. My skin definately doesn't seem as oily and shiny as it used to, but it is still prone to breakouts and I would say is combination: slightly oily t-zone and normal everywhere else.

It was a total minefield, I didn't know where to start! I asked my sister for some advice, (fayesfix), she has more knowledge on the skincare subject than me. She uses a REN cleanser and so I thought I'd give this a go. Searching for through only REN products narrowed down the search quite a bit, but what to pick? I went on REN's own website to have a look at their products and what they offer. I wasn't sure if I needed a toner, as I have been using one for years I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of not using one! Luckily, the range I decided to go for does have a toner. I am going to stick with my current moisturiser and see how I get on.

After much deliberation I chose the Clarimatte range of products. 
Website quote: 

Combination skin is characterised by: oily and shiny skin epecially on the T–zone; congested skin; prone to open pores; 
blackheads and a few whiteheads; dull skin; dry cheeks and jawline.
normalize itself through the help of ground breaking as well as tried and tested bio actives.

Our Combination skin range is a one of our bestselling ranges and is true to the philosophy of encouraging skin to 
The ideal solution for combination skin is a range that carefully balances the skin, avoiding the  “strip – oil attack” cycle that causes combination skin to swing continually from one extreme to another.
I bought them via the Look Fantastic website, I found a 20% off voucher and they do free delivery. I have gone for the Clarifying Toner and the T-Zone Control Cleansing Gel. The products are more than I would normally pay, but it's worth a try, if I don't like them, or don't really see a difference in my skin, I will go back to my Garnier products. Hopefully they will last a while, and everyone needs a treat, even mummies-to-be!

Have a good week.
Amy x

Monday, 26 May 2014

Week 31/32 - Busy Weekend

Tops - H&M
Maternity Jogging Bottoms - New Look

I've made it to half term! After a relaxing and pretty chilled Easter holiday I was quite worried about the prospect of going back to work and knowing that I still had a couple of months to get through. But I got through the 5 weeks and have actually been pretty good, not feeling too tired and just resting as much as possible at home and taking it slower at work. Now just 4 weeks at work to go before I start maternity leave; just hoping I don't have to leave early so I have tie up loose ends and do a handover!

On Thursday I went, with my mum, to the last of my ante natal classes; this one was an Early Days class. I didn't really know what to expect, assuming we would be learning about breast feeding and nappy changing... I thought we may all be given dolls to practice on, well the nappy changing at least!

Fortunately the class followed a similar format to the other classes and was more about giving information so, as mums, we are better informed about what to expect. Firstly the midwives spoke about breastfeeding and the best position for mum and baby; 'tummy to mummy', 'nipple to nose'. We were shown three different sized balls which represented the size of baby's tummy at different ages.

When the baby is born its tummy is the size of a malteaser. They do not need very much food at all, which is good as a mother's milk hasn't yet 'come in'. For the first couple of days the milk produced is colostrum, basically very fatty/concentrated milk (some of you may have already noticed this building up whilst pregnant). So the baby gets all it needs from very little volume. Colostrum is different for each woman, it can be different colours and it is made specifically for your baby. Your body knows what things your baby will need from your colostrum, and make it! After about 3 days the 'proper milk' starts to come in. This is how we probably all think of breast milk, looks more like cow's milk and is produced in larger volumes. By this time the baby's tummy is about the size of a walnut.

What has fascinated me the most is just how amazing women's and baby's bodies are. Everything is done for a reason and it all just happens naturally. The tummy size to amount of milk produced and the days milk comes in and the tummy has grown... After I have had the baby I will be shown and helped by the midwife with the first feeds.

We also talked about nappies, the Vitamin K injection and not needing to bath babies for the first few weeks. They can have little cleans, but just use water and then olive oil to moisturise, no products for the first few weeks as their skin is producing all its own goodness. Although baby cleaning products say they are sensitive they are still made up of lots of chemicals, as new born skin is so delicate it is best to avoid these for the first few weeks. But they are perfectly safe to use and will be used all the time eventually.

On Saturday I met up with my girlies for a 'pre-baby shower'. It was a great night, catching up and spending time together. The girls surprised me with a kit to do a bump cast! My bump was smothered in Vaseline and then the ModRoc strips were put on, i had to keep it on for 15 minutes for the initial setting to take place. It now takes a few days to dry. Then I can decorate it, I will post some pictures when I have the finished article.

Yesterday Paul and I went to Lydden Hill Race Circuit to watch the World Rally Cross. We both like our motor sport and it's a fun thing to do together; trying to have some quality time just the two of us before we become 3! The weather and racing were great. I was a bit tired by the end of the day as it had been an early start, but I managed it. 

Have a great bank holiday Monday, I think I need to do some gardening!

Amy x

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Week 30/31 - Ante Natal Classes

Smock Dress - eBay (new)

Last week I had the first of my two ante natal classes. I didn't really know what to expect, I had visions of the 'Friends' episode where Ross attends a Lamaze class with Carol and Susan; all sat in a huddle on the floor, role playing birth and breathing techniques! Thankfully, that was not the case.

The class was held at the birth centre where I plan to give birth and was free. I had looked into the NCT classes but felt I couldn't justify the cost with all the other baby bits the money could go towards. Plus, Paul does shift work so wouldn't have been able to attend all classes. My midwife assured me that all I would need to know would be covered in the class at the birth centre, which is run by the local midwife team.

The first session covered a 'normal' labour and birth. We started off by writing down our hopes and fears for our labours and births. It was a good exercise to chat to other mums and share our hopes and worries, most of which were the same. After this the midwife leading the course went through the stages of labour; what to expect, what our bodies do any why. I had already done some reading about this in my Natal Hypnotherapy book and an information book from Aptamil. The idea of the oxytocins and the relaxin fits in with the Natal Hypnotherapy ideals of calm mum, clam baby, calmer, less painful labour. (You can find out about the stages of labour here)

I found this really helpful, to know what to expect and to understand what is happening to my body, and why. Everything it does is for a reason. Some key things I took away from the class were:

  • Labour is hard work, after all that's what the word labour means. But, it is hard work with a reward at the end. 
  • People may say they have been in labour for hours/days, however, you are classed as being in active labour when you are 4cm dilated. Even then, you always have a 'break' between contractions, giving your body time to relax and help you preserve energy.
  • Labour is a journey, you may take the motorway, the A roads, get diverted on to the B roads or even the country roads. Whatever road you take you always get to your destination.
  • Our pelvises have a wider opening if standing, crouching, leaning forward. (Have your legs slightly apart and put a finger on your pelvic bone and one your coccyx. Lean forward and backwards. You will feel quite a difference in the space between your fingers. Leaning forward the space is bigger.) Therefore giving birth laying down is not the optimal position.
  • Women who are paralysed from the neck or waist down can still give birth naturally. Our body does 80% of the work, with us just putting in the last 20%.
  • Because of our lifestyles today, more sitting down, driving etc there are a lot more back to back babies born. In the 1950s when the majority of women were housewives their lifestyle meant that the baby wouldn't end up back to back, as gravity didn't take it there. In later pregnancy you can do things to help avoid a back to back baby. Lean forward more when sitting down, no slouching. It's OK to do a bit of housework on your hands and knees! Get walking.
The second ante natal class was held this week and was all about pain relief, what could go wrong and what interventions may be needed. As the midwife said, they didn't want to scare anyone, but not knowing what could go wrong and therefore what interventions could take place would be much scarier at the time, so best to be aware.

What, if any, pain relief a mother decides to use is up to her, some are more suitable for different times during the labour. Others may work for some people and not others:

Latent and early stages of labour. The best things you can try to relieve the contraction pains are things most of us will have at home. 
  • Distraction, take your mind off the contractions; watch a film, bake a cake, read a book, listen to music...
  • Have a bath, the water relaxes you and your muscles. Light some candles, play some music.
  • Take paracetamol, it will take the edge off.
  • Hot water bottle.
  • Massage.
  • TENS machine. These can be hired from our birth centre, so I would have thought other hospitals and centres do the same. It sends a small electric signal to your muscles and dulls the pain. The intensity can be turned up and down.
Active labour. By this time you will probably be at the hospital/birth centre. Depending on how you are coping with the pain a lot of the above will still work. I hope not to go to the next level of pain relief unless I really feel I need to! I hope with the support of Paul and the midwife I can do as much without major pain relief as possible.
  • Gas and air. This is one pain relief I don't mind using, if I feel the need to. I have had gas and air before, after I broke my leg a few years ago, so I know what to expect. Gas and air is not for everyone, but I find it works for me. It is quick to get into your system, about 20-30 seconds and just as quick to get out; it is safe for the baby, in fact it is possibly good for you and the baby. Gas and air is 50% oxygen and so good for you and your baby's blood.
  • Pethidine. This is something I didn't know much about until the class. It is not a pain killer as such, but a relaxant. It is administered by injection. It makes you and your baby drowsy and stays in your system for about 4 hours. Because of this the timing of the administration of Pethidine is quite important. The midwives/doctors do not want you and your baby drowsy for the actual delivery. So it will be calculated on your dilation and whether the drowsiness would have worn off by the time they expect you to deliver. Pethidine may be a good idea for you if you have had a really long early labour, you are extremely tired and just need some rest while your cervix continues to dilate before delivery. It will give you a chance to get some rest and get your energy back for pushing. 
  • Epidural. This can only be administered in hospital as it is done by an anaesthetist. As I plan to give birth at the birth centre this option would not be available to me and after seeing what is involved I don't really want one anyway! It may be different in your hospital, but the one I would go to, if I had any problems, inject a very small tube into your back and the drug is then put on a drip. You would then have to stay on the bed for the birth as your movement is restricted. 
Following the classes and the reading I have done on natal hypnotherapy I am even more determined to go through labour and birth with as little intervention as possible. I know my body could give birth even without my help! However, I am also not going to say 'never say never'. At the end of the day I will do what I need to do to have a healthy baby and be healthy myself. If that means I need to have a little help along the way, then so be it. Whatever road I take on my labour journey I will get to my destination and that is all that matters. 

Please ask your midwife or doctor if you have any questions on the above. The information is what i have taken from the classes and may not be 100% correct (I have tried to be as accurate as possible).

Have a lovely Sunday. 

Amy x